That's Some Flutie Coffee
•Posted on January 10 2017

Shout out to LA native (Los Angeles, not Louisiana as it can be quite confusing here) and BeanFruit's new friend Margaret! She is a talented musician that has an amazing passion for coffee. To quote her, " Music isn’t simply a diversion from everyday life. The music that composers write tells you so much about their history, their passions, and their internal struggles. Coffee can be much the same – one sip of an Ethiopia Yirgacheffe and you will never mistake the flavor for a Sumatra, just like you would never mistake Mozart for Shostakovich." True dat.
Like most millennials, you can find her on the world wide web at Coffee Cantata. This blog has coffee reviews from Dallas, TX to Brighton, England and everywhere else! And she's kind enough to share her home brew set up with you as well.
You can find her on the piccolo with Dallas Winds Symphony, with her students, or sipping a great cup of Kenya somewhere between the west coast and the south side...(yeah I know, we're not the south side) ok, the deep south or also known as way way down here.
We want to say a big "Thank You" to Margaret for having us on her The Best of 2016. We appreciate your love and dedication to share your work and gifts as an artist as well as your coffee enthusiasm. Thank you for your spirit!